Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Name is Marline and I had psoriasis for over 20 years. Like many psoriasis sufferers, I had tried any kind of drugs there are in the market, from cream to injections to light therapy, I tried everything and done so much research for the last 20 years. I found that Psoriasis Skin inflammation is a sign that toxins are inside your body. It appears externally because your skin is the largest and only visible organ. In the case of serious skin problems, external treatment with a cream is not sufficient. The better approach is to detoxify your body because it then expels the toxins from inside and prevents the problems from recurring. This is how the Psoriaid Herbal Tablet treats my psoriasis and now my skins are 99% cleared for the last 5 years. I must warn you that these herbal pills do not taste good because they are pure herbs. But, they are worth all the efforts to clear and healthy beautiful skins.

The Psoriaid Herbal Tablet was designed by Dr. Li for all types of psoriasis. This alternative herbal psoriasis treatment has been used in her clinic for over 15 years and approximately 80% of patients with psoriasis have shown dramatic improvements. The formula contains 13 natural herbs which act together to detoxify the body’s system to control the skin inflammation and balance the immune system to prevent lesions from appearing.The Psoriaid Herbal Tablet is a safe and effective herbal formula for all types of psoriasis. There are no known side effects and it is made in USA by a GMP certified factory.

First and foremost is your diet. Unfortunately, I have to cut out all the food that I love to have my skins free of psoriasis. The most important is my skins and I will do what it takes

Diet for Psoriasis:
To avoid further aggrevating your psoriasis, you should eliminate foods that generate toxins inside your body.
These foods included:

  • Alcohol (wine, liquor, beer)
  • Coffee
  • Spicy food
  • Shell Fish
  • Tropical Fruits (Mangos, Pineapples ect..)
  • Red meat
  • Sodas or carbonated drinks.
Hydrates skins
Drink alot of of WATER!!!! This is very important. Your skins need to be hydrate and also you need to remove all toxins out of your body by drinking lots of water. 1.5 liter per day is a MUST!!! Even if you don't like water, add crystal lite or any flavor to it and drink!! I even lost weight from drinking water and the skins on my face look more beautiful due to drinking water..
Eat More Greens!!
I eat more vegetables, salads, fish (High in Omega complex), grains, and foods that are calm inside my stomach. When my stomach is aggrevated, my skins normally broke out.

Merry Clinic Psoriasis Treatment Plan:
Herbal treatment plan focuses on balancing your body system from inside, and controlling the symptoms from outside to manage your psoriasis.

  1. Healing from inside: Take Psoriaid Tablets to clean the toxins inside your body to get rid of your psoriasis. It also helps balance your immune system to prevent your psoriasis from coming back.
  2. Control from outside: Use the natural Psoriaid cream or oil to control your skin inflammation and get rid of your existing psoriasis lesion. Dead Sea Salt Bath (optional) also helps to restore minerals to your skin. It can help heal damaged skin barrier caused by psoriasis or improper topical treatment.
  3. Maintain a healthy diet and eliminate diet that can aggevate your psoriasis
  4. Stress management: Try to reduce your stress level by doing exercise (3 days a week minimum); getting enough sleep (8 hours)
  5. Maintenance: Take Merry Clinic Skin-Detox formula as needed to supply necessary nutrients to support your skin health and prevent Psoriasis from coming back.
    How Do I Begin? For the mild to moderate psoriasis patients, take Psoriaid Tablet: 5 tablets 2 times daily for two months. You should expect to see fewer new spots showing on the skin after you take Psoriaid Tablet for one month. From the second month, you should see most spots begin to clear.
    For the moderate to severe psoriasis patients, take Psoriaid Tablet: 6 tablets 2 times daily for three months. You should expect to see less spots coming up and old spots starting to significantly clear from the second month on.
    Faster results are obtained by taking Skin Detox pills and using our cream or other topical treatment along with our Psoriaid tablets.

I wish you all the best of luck and hope to hear from you about the progress of your new skins.


  1. Herbal Beauty Salon in New York | Herbal Beauty Salon in Valley Stream. please visit

  2. Thanks for this great article…
